Poor Oral Hygiene Can Impact Your Life

Poor Oral Hygiene Can Impact Your Life

There are very few people who actually know just how important good oral health is on your overall health. The mouth is the ultimate gateway into your body, so any bacteria from your mouth can travel to other parts of your body and put you at risk for other conditions and diseases. So it’s absolutely essential for everyone that you take good care of your gums and teeth.
You’re supposed to brush and floss every single day, but do you do it? According to a statistical survey, less than 30% of population worldwide floss daily, and nearly 39% do not floss at all. That’s a lost of people with poor dental hygiene!
So what does this mean for your overall health and well-being? It means a lot, and here are some of the most serious effects of poor dental hygiene on your body.

1. Risk for Heart Disease and Stroke

Individuals who suffer from some type of periodontal disease are twice as likely to be diagnosed with heart disease and narrowing of the arteries that is caused by plaque and bacteria that enters the body through the gums.
This bacteria has the ability to clog arteries and increase your risk of a severe heart attack. The blood vessel that sends blood to your brain can become clogged and increase your risk of suffering from a stroke as well.

2. Risk of Diabetes

Studies have shown that more than 86.6% of the individuals of the population that have diabetes also have some form of periodontal disease or loss of teeth due to increased blood glucose levels, people living with diabetes may have more glucose in their saliva and very dry mouths. These conditions allow dental plaque to build up on teeth, which can lead to tooth decay and cavities.
If you’re someone that suffers from diabetes, you are more likely to contract certain infections. Diabetes can also directly impact a person’s ability to control their levels of blood sugar.

3. Risk of Respiratory Conditions

If you suffer from periodontal disease, bacteria has the ‘potential to travel into your bloodstream and into your lungs where it can have a direct impact on your respiratory system. It puts you at a greater risk of suffering from acute bronchitis or chronic pneumonia according to studies performed by the Journal of Periodontology.

4. Risk of Cancer

Many experts have researched the subject of indiviuals with periodontal disease and their risk of being diagnosed with cancer.
As it turns out, men who suffer from gum disease are almost 50% more likely to be diagnosed with kidney cancer or cancer of the pancreas. They’re also 30% more likely to be diagnosed with cancer within the blood. That’s a great reason to practice good dental hygiene.

5. Risk of Suffering from Dementia

A recent analysis led by National Institute on Aging (NIA) scientists suggests that the bacteria associated with periodontal disease that causes the chronic inflammation are also associated with development of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias, especially vascular dementia due to poor oral hygiene might lead to increased bacteria in the mouth and to gum disease, which can cause inflammation and raise the risk of beta-amyloid plaques in the brain, that can cause parts of your brains to die.

Other Serious Issues

If the previous problems didn’t seem bad enough, there are many other diseases and conditions that could occur if you have poor dental hygiene.
  • Infertility problems
  • Erectile of dysfunction
  • Risk of premature birth
And many, many more…

Dental Problems Related to Poor Oral Hygiene

The physical impacts of poor oral hygiene are many, but some are the negative consequences you can experience in your mouth.
Plaque build-up and loss of teeth are just the beginning for people that don’t practice good oral health. You can also experience mouth sores, gingivitis, and halitosis. Periodontal disease is also a distinct possibility if you don’t take care of your teeth and gums.


Poor oral hygiene may not be something that you think about on a regular basis, but it should be. Not taking good care of your teeth and your gums can you at serious risks for serious diseases and conditions that at times can be potentially fatal.
Take care of your teeth and gum and see your dentist at an Innovative Dental Care, Rajkot, Gujarat for your scheduled check-ups. Doing so not only leads to a better-looking smile, but it will also help you maintain a better level of overall health.